25 January 2024

About the need for chance

Stefan Themerson praised chance (which he called sloppiness) in his essay “On the need to create visions”.

A coincidence supported by artificial intelligence constructs an illusory but probable reality (installations by Grzegorz Rogala and Joanna Krzysztoń), accidentally found film materials create unknown references (installation by Wiktoria Sara Davis). It was an accident that brought the aspiring filmmaker to the home of unknown artists in London almost fifty years ago (documentary essay by Tomasz Pobog-Malinowski) – this is what its curator Małgorzata Sady writes about the multimedia exhibition “In praise of serendipity”.

We invite you to visit an extraordinary world where lyricism and feeling intertwine with modern technology. The exhibition “In Praise of Happy Chance” will be open until the end of the year. You will find it at ul. Kolegialna 6. Admission is free.

The exhibition is part of the “Stories. The world is more complicated than our laws about it”, carried out by the Masovian Museum in Płock in partnership with the Kunstbanken Center for Contemporary Art in Hamar, Norway, and financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (MF EEA_ 2014 – 2021).
