Hana Umeda

Hana Umeda

About the artist

A performer, director, dancer, natori in the Hanasaki-ryu jiutamai school. In 2020, as the first person from outside Japan, she was officially admitted to the ancestral Hanasaki-ryu jiutamai school, receiving the right to cultivate and pass on the tradition of this Japanese traditional dance. A student of Master Hanasaki Tokijyo, the head of the Hanasaki-ryu school in Tokyo, a cultural expert. From 2021, a member of the Centrum w Ruchu collective. A scholarship holder of the Young Poland programme of the National Center for Culture in 2018, as part of which she made her debut as a director with the performance “SadaYakko” presented at Komuna/Warszawa. A laureate of the Artistic Residence Scena New Situations of the Contemporary Theater in Szczecin in 2022.

Additional information

Country of origin: Poland