Laura Bartolomei
About the artist
“I was born and raised in Rome, my father was a painter and a cinema cartoonist, my mother a potter. I grew up messing up with colours, clay and dirt, and finally I
enrolled in Fine Art College. Body has always been my real interest.
Since I can remember I have been moved by curiosity: how a body functions, how it recovers from injuries, how it adapts to disability, how it decomposes, where its limits are, how it develops relationships with surroundings and the emotional sphere. That is why when I got in contact with butoh I felt like I found my home.
And that is also why puppetry is so interesting for me: puppets, in their archetypal function, can be eaten up, mutilated, can die and regenerate, and can evoke feelings that we have somehow forgotten.
Three main themes recur and cross each other in my research ground:
body with all that comes with it, materials, so enjoyable to mess up with, involving all the senses, and nature in all its forms, texture, colours, geometry”.
As the little girl goes to sleep, she starts a trip within her dreams and nightmares, beauty and fears. What happens when our rational life goes to sleep? How deeply dreams interfere with our life once daylight comes? How conscious we are about our night-life creativity?
The show is a non-linear story, conceived like an intimate slow dance, sustained by the electronic musical score by Stefano Zazzera and the special wrist puppet technique created by Vladimir Zakharov.