Małgorzata Bosek-Serafińska

About the artist

A graduate of the State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Warsaw, she completed her MA degree in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. In 1995, she did an animation course at Studio Miniatur Filmowych. For several years, she has been combining the work of a hired animator with her own artistic work. These two paths have met in her film debut “Dokumanimo”. She has had 8 individual exhibitions presenting her collages, textiles and artistic collections, including “Collection of Buttons Found in the Street”. She has participated in several collective exhibitions.

In 2009, she founded the film studio ANIMASO.

In 2011, she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture for the film project “TWO ELEMENTS”. She worked in the selection committee of the 2012 Animator Festival. Since 2017, she has been running the Serafiński Studio.

Additional information

Country of origin: Poland