Ingun Kleppan
About the artist
Ingun Kleppan’s exhibition consists of jewellery that honors various women who have stood out and made an impression on her, either through literature or as fellow human beings. This is how she describes them: “Women from the past who were significant in their times and important women active today who will be an inspiration for the future.”
Ingun Kleppan (b. 1955) holds a journeyman’s certificate as well as a diploma in goldsmithing from Copenhagen Technical College. She has extensive experience of making jewellery and larger metal objects, her main material being silver, with details made of gold and different gemstones and pearls. Some of her jewellery is made of wood with details made of silver, stones from the shore of Lake Mjøsa, and other mixed materials. Her artwork may be used as both visual, wall-mounted objects and jewellery.