Vidar Koksvik

Vidar Koksvik

About the artist

Vi­dar Koks­vik (b. 1969) stu­died glass art at the Orre­fors Glass School in Sweden. He gra­dua­ted in 1994 and com­pleted furt­her stu­dies in three-di­mensio­nal de­sign at the Sur­rey In­sti­tute of Art and De­sign in Eng­land in 1998. He has a broad expe­ri­en­ce from na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal glass stu­dios. He also holds an MA in cu­ra­to­ri­al prac­tices from The Uni­ver­sity in Ber­gen.

Vi­dar Koks­vik has an inte­rest in tra­dition, and par­ti­cu­lar­ly the tra­dition of Ve­ne­ti­an glass has been im­por­tant to him. One of Koksvik’s specialties is zanfirico, a type of filigree in which coloured glass rods in spiral shapes are encased between several layers of glass. In this exhibition he will be showing free hand-blown glass in a freestyle cane technique. 

In 1998, Vi­dar Koks­vik took part in es­tab­lish­ing the glass stu­dio Egen­art near Oslo, and la­ter Klart glass at Kirkenær with the ar­tist Kari Hå­kon­sen. They also run a glass studio and shop at Bærums verk close to Oslo.  

Vi­dar Koks­vik has held se­ve­r­al solo ex­hi­bitions and par­ti­ci­pa­ted in se­ve­r­al in­ter­na­tio­nal ex­hi­bitions. He has car­ried out va­rious pub­lic deco­ra­tion com­mis­sions and re­ce­i­ved awards for his works. The col­lections whe­re his work is presented in­clu­de, among ot­hers, The Na­tio­nal Mu­se­um of Art, Ar­chitec­tu­re and De­sign in Oslo, SKMU in Kris­tian­sand, KODE Art Mu­se­um in Ber­gen and The Gras­si Mu­se­um in Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny. 

Additional information

Country of origin: Norway