Press conference on 21 of April. We invite you!
We invite you to take part in the press conference related to the project “Stories. The world is more complicated than our truths about it” inspired by the work of Franciszka and Stefan Themerson, valued and inspiring avant-garde artists associated with Płock.
The press conference will take place on 21 of April at 12:00 in the hall of the Mazovian Museum in Płock (at Kolegialna 6).
“Tales” is produced by the Mazovian Museum in Płock in partnership with Kunstbanken Senter for Samtidskunst, a cultural center in Hamar, Norway. The project is financed by Norwegian and EEA Funds. The program includes a number of activities – performance festival with the participation of many international artists – including Marylin Arsem (USA), Nigel Rolfe (Great Britain/Ireland), Alastair MacLennan (Northern Ireland), Joanna Rajkowska (Poland), the VestAndPage duo (Germany/Italy), as well as an exhibition of Norwegian design, a multimedia exhibition, workshops and trainings scheduled for 2023 and 2024.
The conference will be attended by representatives of MMP – the organizer of the project, its partner – a cultural center in Hamar, Norway, and the curator of “Opowieści” – Małgorzata Sady.